Soul M Raw crystals are natural crystals, unprocessed and unpolished minerals that have been directly sourced from the earth. Raw crystals are often used in energy healing practices, such as Reiki or crystal therapy, to balance and align the body’s energy centers (chakras) and promote overall well-being. Holding or placing raw crystals during meditation can help facilitate a deeper connection to oneself and the natural world, as well as amplify intentions and energy. Whether used for healing, meditation or decor, these unique specimens serve as reminders of the beauty and power of the natural world.
Raw Black Tourmaline (100 g)
Reiki Energised & Cleansed Raw Black Tourmaline for protection from evil eye & negative energies
Raw rose quartz (200 – 250 g)
Reiki Energised & Cleansed Raw rose quartz for Love, Relationship, Marriage Delay, Happy Married Life